Sensitive Constructions: The Latin-American Geometric Experience in the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection

The exhibition Construções Sensíveis: The Latin-American Geometric Experience in the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection brings to Brazil a profi le of the abstraction present in our continent. Together with the important legacy of the Brazilian concretism and neo-concretist movements, the abstract poetics that fl ourished in other countries from the 1930s onwards will be on display. This dialogue between artistic trends puts into perspective the specific details and contributions Brazil has made to the geometric experiences as part of a regional context rather than as an isolated case. This exhibition provides a forum for the dialogue between artists and groups from countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico. Even in those cases in which there are no proven historical ties between artists of diff erent latitudes, the links can be established out of an obvious common understanding that affi liates the trends derived from constructivism as an aesthetic paradigm. The ‘constructive desire’ that inspires these artists provides the basis for the singular discourses that each group defends.

This is an exhibition developed especially for Brazil, forming a subtle tribute to the ‘Arte Agora III, América Latina: Geometria sensível’, exhibition, that was on display at the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro in 1978, but which was destroyed by a tragic fi re. Many of the artists presented at that historic event are present here, as a representation of the pioneering trends in the region, now displayed together with contemporary artists who are pointing the way forward for abstraction today.

  • Rio de Janeiro 27.06.18 a 17.09.18 – Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil
  • Belo Horizonte 12.10.18 a 07.01.19 – Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil

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Technical Information

  • Ania Rodriguez
  • Rodolfo de Athayde
General Coordination
  • Ania Rodríguez
Project Management
  • Jennifer McLaughlin
Install Direction
  • Karen Ituarte
Executive Assistant
  • Daniele Oliveira
  • Lisiany Mayão