The paths started by Wassily Kandinsky echoes in the art until today. Understanding this creative genius also implies understanding the sensitivity that marks the art from the early twentieth century. This exhibition features the prologue of this enriched history that is the modern and contemporary art: the way in which it forged the passage to abstraction, the resources from which the figuration ceased to be the only possible way to represent the most vital states of the human being and, finally, the new path pioneered from this break. This leap into the void that the abstraction and the opening of a universe without boundaries to the infinite creativity of the art, can be experienced at the end of this exhibition that, points to a new way of thinking about art. And it is the artist himself, also prolific in the writing field, which opens the way through numerous theoretical texts, towards the path that he has walked in the past. It calls up all the influence of folk art and the mythical ancestor of Russia’s Northern people as part of this awakening to the expression of an intimate and lyrical sensitivity of the soul. Other contemporary artists can be gathered with Kandinsky, with productions and particular ways to reflect those issues, artists with whom he had a close relationship and nurtured this transformative dialogue about the reserved potential for art in the early twentieth century. The exhibition brings to the public a Kandinsky, with varied productions that interlace among themselves a greater work of the artist, experimental, multi-sensory, as the essence of his art. The exhibition proposes a dip into the roots of his creative universe, the first artist references, placing side by side his works with the works of his contemporaries and other parts that are gems of folk art from northern Siberia and objects of shamanic rituals. It all starts from a dot, the anthological sentence of Kandinsky, leads us beyond the graphic experiments of the artist and conveys the poetic essence pointing this complex web of references, wishes and feelings – much more than a dot – where everything in Kandinsky began.